DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!

Let's get physical

Let's get physical

Over the past 12 months we have been exploring the opportunities to take our online business into the real world of physical retail. Here's the story so far...
What we think of as digital, simply isn't!

What we think of as digital, simply isn't!

Many of the shapes and icons that we think of as digital and modern simply aren’t, these concepts were explored long before the tech could achieve a true representation of what was in the minds of artists and designers.
The power of allies and allyship

The power of allies and allyship

Allies and allyship are best described as being consciously inclusive. This thinking helps everyone to feel respected, involved and connected. It means lots of things, to lots of different people, here are a few examples.
How to overcome the fear of public speaking

How to overcome the fear of public speaking

Overcoming the fears of public speaking. Here's our guide to the common pit falls, how to overcome them and the importance of the clothes you wear.
Going up, level 1 - technology and fashion

Going up, level 1 - technology and fashion

A look back at our 2022 journey - the highs, lows and the innovation that has taken us to the next level.
Shared vision - developing sustainable fashion

Shared vision - developing sustainable fashion

We are very proud to share the following update... The University of Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL) is a globally influent...
Ride I.T-DressCode Shirts

Ride I.T

We are riding dapper again this year, supporting the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride. We love the idea of the event and the great work that it supports. We're also rather partial to rides out on motorcycles, so this is the perfect combination of fun, fashion and full throttle.
Saved by science!-DressCode Shirts

Saved by science!

Our understanding of DNA and the ability to sequence large data sets quickly has delivered a way to combat Coronavirus, creating vaccines in an incredibly quick time. We are proud to have designed a shirt that celebrates this incredible code and the achievements of those involved. 

5 tips to start a positive Home Schooling journey-DressCode Shirts

5 tips to start a positive Home Schooling journey

5 tips that will help you get going in the right direction this week. There’s been a lot of change in the past week for all of us. At times like this we all crave normality - things, processes and activities that are familiar and reassuring

Time to Life Scale-DressCode Shirts

Time to Life Scale

"Lifescale was written to help you break free from distractions, sharpen your focus, spark creativity and unlock new possibilities as a result." Th...
Good savings-DressCode Shirts

Good savings

As the Sales season really kicks off we thought that what can we do to make a difference? Something that goes beyond a personal win for you, or for...
We're all suffering from enclothed cognition-DressCode Shirts

We're all suffering from enclothed cognition

Enclothed cognition affects everyone, understanding this powerful instinct and how to use it well will help you be more confident, deliver better and communicate clearer.