DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!

Let's get physical

Let's get physical

Over the past 12 months we have been exploring the opportunities to take our online business into the real world of physical retail. Here's the story so far...
What is DGR? And why are we passionate about it?

What is DGR? And why are we passionate about it?

The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is not a race, rally or any kind of speed test. Today DGR is about getting large groups of people together to talk about the aspects of life that simply aren’t talked about enough – male mental health and prostate cancer. The conduit for these conversations is motorcycles, here's how it works.
What we think of as digital, simply isn't!

What we think of as digital, simply isn't!

Many of the shapes and icons that we think of as digital and modern simply aren’t, these concepts were explored long before the tech could achieve a true representation of what was in the minds of artists and designers.