Time to Life Scale

"Lifescale was written to help you break free from distractions, sharpen your focus, spark creativity and unlock new possibilities as a result."

This is Brian Solis's eighth book and his first non-business book. But it’s not the book he set out to write. It’s the book he needed to write.

Here’s a bit of the back story…

You may or may not know, but it’s been over three years since Brian's last book X: The Experience When Business Meets Design was published. That book changed how we think about experiences and how to design them for a modern world. He had planned to follow it up over a year-and-a-half ago but that didn’t happen. And, that’s where this book begins.

Brian found himself struggling to dive as deep as he had with previous books and creative projects. His brain was running at speeds he’d not realized, pulled in multiple, non-linear directions to keep up with the increasing array of work, communications, relationships, activities and all the devices, apps and networks that connected everything. In short, he'd traded depth, concentration, pace, patience, presence and the appreciation and contentment of it for a faster-pace, real-time, always-on, connected lifestyle.

Which was fine until it wasn’t.

He didn’t realize the consequences of this digital life until he couldn’t write the next book. Even then, he didn’t realise the culprits or know how to get past them. He didn’t see the distractions and the side effects of them. He immediately blamed writer’s block, workload and deadlines and the everyday pressures of life.

Sound familiar?

Like anyone, he Googled the condition and the results were quite helpful: Turn off your devices, detox, delete apps, use Calm and Headspace apps, use productivity apps, get a hobby, go outside, practice yoga, meditate, go to Burning Man, etc. All good advice! But what he realised was that, by and large, each addressed the symptoms of the condition but not its root cause.

How did I get here?

Why was I open to distraction?

What changed that made me value this way of living?

The result of asking these questions and more lead me on a quest to find answers and solutions.

Lifescale is a journey of self-discovery and growth. Lifescaling is about getting back into balance, and mastering your destiny.

We think that there really is something for everyone in this book. We're very proud to be playing a supporting role next week as Brian launches at SXSW, when he'll be wearing DressCode shirts.

Read more about 'lifescale' here.