DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!
Colour Code - Black
We’re diving into colour palettes and colour psychology for a series of blog posts exploring colours – what they mean, how they connect and what works with your skin/hair colour. This post is about Black and Black clothes.
It's got to be a black shirt
We're on stage, well sort of, our shirts are. We can confirm that Sam Jones will be wearing DressCode Spear Collar shirts for his 2024 UK and Poland tour dates.
The power of allies and allyship
Allies and allyship are best described as being consciously inclusive. This thinking helps everyone to feel respected, involved and connected. It means lots of things, to lots of different people, here are a few examples.
How to overcome the fear of public speaking
Overcoming the fears of public speaking. Here's our guide to the common pit falls, how to overcome them and the importance of the clothes you wear.
ReCode is the DressCode Shirts upcycling system
ReCode is a sustainable fashion solution, combining materials, knowledge and design skills to create new shirts from old ones.
Clothing is your secret super power
The things we wear define us, this ‘definition’ goes way beyond your physical outward appearance to other people, it’s a significant psychological influence that has almost limitless power.
What are your clothes saying about you?
Every item of clothing you wear has something to say. It speaks to you, your idea of yourself and to other people around you. The technical term fo...
The face of fashion is changing
The face of fashion is changing, face masks and face coverings are here to stay. How can you make a face mask part of your look? What should you look for in a face mask? And more, explained here.
5 tips to start a positive Home Schooling journey
5 tips that will help you get going in the right direction this week. There’s been a lot of change in the past week for all of us. At times like this we all crave normality - things, processes and activities that are familiar and reassuring
We're all suffering from enclothed cognition
Enclothed cognition affects everyone, understanding this powerful instinct and how to use it well will help you be more confident, deliver better and communicate clearer.