DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!

We're passionate about these people in tech

We're passionate about these people in tech

There’s also this weird thing called Valentine’s Day, the epitome of consumerism, where we are told to buy things as an expression of our love for someone. We don’t believe in buying, or trying to buy affection, but we would like to celebrate some really cool people, so that’s what we’ve done.
Wally Funk - Space pioneer-DressCode Shirts

Wally Funk - Space pioneer

Mary Wallace "Wally" Funk is the real star of the 2021 space race. Her story is an inspiration and we think it should be better known, so we’re doi...
We’re brimming with pride for Lynn Conway-DressCode Shirts

We’re brimming with pride for Lynn Conway

Pride has educated many people and brought us closer together, unfortunately it hasn’t always been this way. To mark Pride month we wanted to celeb...
What are your clothes saying about you?-DressCode Shirts

What are your clothes saying about you?

Every item of clothing you wear has something to say. It speaks to you, your idea of yourself and to other people around you. The technical term fo...