DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!

First birthday-DressCode Shirts

First birthday

A look back over our first 12 months, the things we learnt, the surprises and what the future holds as we move into smart clothing with contactless payments directly from our shirts. Live I.T  Love I.T  Wear I.T
A positive start-DressCode Shirts

A positive start

Did you know how much our individual personal output and outlook is affected by the decisions we make about clothes? Starting your day on a positive, making sure those first few things that you do in the day are organised, simple and rewarding sets the right tone for the rest of that day. This forms a powerful personal asset called enclothed cognition, and it’s something that we’re all capable of achieving.

Top 10 tech destinations-DressCode Shirts

Top 10 tech destinations

Tech is everywhere. Here's our Top 10 Tech destinations, the places worth seeing and experiencing first hand. The places where incredibly cool stuff is being done - scientific research, tech development, cutting edge technologies and inspiring innovations. If you love tech, we're sure you'll love these places.
Digitising industry - Retail and consumer electronics - what we learnt.-DressCode Shirts

Digitising industry - Retail and consumer electronics - what we learnt.

CWIC 2019 was all about Digitising Industry. Here we look back at what we've learnt from the Retail and Consumer electronics session with ghd, IBM and Metail.
Digitising industry-DressCode Shirts

Digitising industry

This Wednesday we will be at the CW International Conference 2019, a great opportunity to find out all what's new and what's to come from the major...
Top 10 Tech inspired tunes-DressCode Shirts

Top 10 Tech inspired tunes

If you love tech then there's a pretty good chance that you'll like tunes too. Many tech innovations have been used to make new music and explore our relationship with technology. We wanted to share 10 of our favourites with you.
The CashCuff™ concept-DressCode Shirts

The CashCuff™ concept

The Cash Cuff™ is a new concept from DressCode Shirts. Imagine paying for things using the shirt that you're wearing - no wallet, no devices and no need for physical cash. This is what the CashCuff is all about. Controlled via a online app, it's the future of payments.
Ada Lovelace An inspiring woman-DressCode Shirts

Ada Lovelace An inspiring woman

Today marks #IWD2019 International Women's Day and we want to celebrate the amazing work of Ada Lovelace, without whom our world, and in particular...
Time to Life Scale-DressCode Shirts

Time to Life Scale

"Lifescale was written to help you break free from distractions, sharpen your focus, spark creativity and unlock new possibilities as a result." Th...
Dinner at the University Arms-DressCode Shirts

Dinner at the University Arms

Everything about the University Arms is visually impressive, from the outside it’s classic Georgian architecture through and through, big multi-paneled windows, extravagant proportions, stone columns and doors tall enough for the BFG to walk straight in. We went for dinner and this is what we discovered.
Living Coral - Pantone colour of 2019-DressCode Shirts

Living Coral - Pantone colour of 2019

Every year the colour experts Pantone (the self proclaimed global authority on all things colour) pick a colour of the year. This year we have ‘liv...
BETT 2019-DressCode Shirts

BETT 2019

A quick look at BETT 2019, the innovative tech, the challenging tech and the way in which we all need to prepare ourselves and our children for digital transformation. The emotional intelligence that sits alongside artificial intelligence, and how the two work together.