DressCode News - the things we're doing, what's inspiring us and more!

Wearing a CashCuff shirt to pay contactlessly-DressCode Shirts

Wearing a CashCuff shirt to pay contactlessly

The CashCuff contactless payment shirts, independent test by James Bore. It's more convenient than taking a card from a wallet, more convenient than using your phone or prodding at tiny buttons on a smartwatch. The CashCuff brings a bit of fun back to your payment experience. I got questions about how I was paying, since it’s such a discreet little system. And of course, the shirt itself was absolutely gorgeous.
Get your tech on with sustainable fashion-DressCode Shirts

Get your tech on with sustainable fashion

When environmental science, data and fashion meet...

The British Antarctic Survey have been working with us to explore how clothing could communicate important environmental messages in style, developing new dialogue and engaging people in this important conversation.

The safest type of Contactless Payment-DressCode Shirts

The safest type of Contactless Payment

The world of payments has changed dramatically over the past 3 months, pre COVID-19 contactless was growing, now it has now become the standard way to pay for things with fewer and fewer people and businesses accepting cash as a method of payment.

We are very aware of peoples sensitivity around financial and personal security. We spent a lot of time researching the delivery partners for this product and assuring ourselves that it was safe. Here’s what we’ve learn and why we’re confident in the CashCuff solution.

The CashCuff® is 1!-DressCode Shirts

The CashCuff® is 1!

12 months ago we revealed the CashCuff, our vision for wearable payment utility with cash at hand whenever you need it. Fast forward 12 months and today, amid the COVID-19 pandemic and 'lockdown living' it feels like the CashCuff is well placed to provide the contactless payments in our new normal. 
1.21 Gigawatts! What would Marty McFly do in lockdown?-DressCode Shirts

1.21 Gigawatts! What would Marty McFly do in lockdown?

The past couple of weeks felt like you were in some surreal version of Back to the Future? Maybe it’s just 80’s nostalgia kicking in? Maybe it’s aspirational, hoping that there IS a DeLorean parked around the corner, ready to take you back in time, find Doc Emmett and inspire him to produce a cure or use the flux capacitor to realign future events, stopping this pandemic from ever happening and rebuilding daily life as we knew it?
Game changers-DressCode Shirts

Game changers

A new decade is upon us, looking back at the past 10 years I think it’s hard to have imagined where we are today. Sure it’s not all robots and hove...