Where have our shirts been?


Wednesday 19th was the date of our launch. Time to put into practice everything that we'd been developing, get the product out and find out what people thought about it. Lots of fun at the Allia Future Business Centre and the opportunity to support Cambridge Science Centre with a raffle to win a shirt.
Rachael Ward wearing her Signature DressCode shirt
The very next day our shirts were mingling with other businesses at the Cambridge B2B...the best bit had to be seeing Rachael wearing one of our shirts. The second lady to take the plunge! Yay!
The Bradfield Centre, Cambridge
A week later and we were with Cambridge Wireless at the Bradfield Centre talking to a group of Polish entrepreneurs about our journey from concept through the product development and on to launch.
Signature shirt
Later that day we were at the launch of Independent Cambridge's new guide to the great independent companies of Cambridge.
The very next day, we were back with Cambridge Wireless again, this time for the CWTEC conference hearing from global thought leaders about AI.
Andy speaking
It was a whirlwind week...that evening it was back to the Bradfield Centre and time to share our journey with CamCreative!


Mills and Reeve Cambridge
On the 4th October it was 'Question Cambridge' with Heidi Allen and Mills&Reeve at Robinson college. 
Pecha Kucha Cambridge - Andy chatting
Dan Sodergren on BBC Watchdog
Then we had our first ever TV appearance! DressCode shirts on the BBC - as Dan Sodergren spoke with Stacey Soloman on WatchDog.
Jon Torrens speaking
A few days later the cursor shirt made a surprise appearance at Cambridge’s inaugural “Tech & Beer" event, when Jon Torrens made an impassioned reflection on the impact of the internet in our lives.
Pixel shirt
Next up we went to Spain, where Oscar Cobo requested a pixel shirt for a new look that he’s developing. After that another pixel shirt went to Rail Festival with Tom Cheesewright as he presented his vision for the future of rail transport.
Martin Bryant
Then it was the turn of Martin Bryant, testing out cursor and pixel ahead of a an event in Manchester.
Jon Torrens speaking confidence
October was a popular month for the pixel shirt with Jon Torrens running a business development session at the Judge Business school as part of Cambridge UP, sporting his shirt with a rather smart waistcoat.
Then binary came out to play, heading first to the US where Brian Solis was preparing for a series of speaking events and some TV work, where the shirts were very much at home and admired.
Shey Crompton
Back to blightly and binary was out in full affect at the Peterborough Testing event with Shey Crompton.
David Williams
About the same time David Williams was heading to South Africa to the ‘Let’s TEST’ conference with his binary shirt ahead of his keynote on Sunday.
Dan with the newspapers
Then we got some more TV coverage! The last weekend of October saw Dan Sodergren on the big red sofa at the BBC for a spot of breakfast and some in-depth tech news discussion.


Drive the Network
After a couple of quite weeks, talking stock and reflecting, on the 14th it was time to head to Bedford to share the learning (to date) with Drive The Network.
Later that week Dan Sodergren was on the BBC wearing our Signature DressCode shirt - nice!
Mischa Dohler
Lots of people talk about Monday Motivation...well the 19th saw Mischa Dohler wearing his binary shirt in Sydney with the Global CEO of Gucci no less. We were totally blown away!
PlaceTech Big Night Out
The next day Tom Cheesewright was proudly wearing his pixel shirt in Manchester at the PlaceTech Big Night Out. This was also the day we received the confirmation certificates for our protected designs, big thanks to Bill and Rachael Ward for all their help with this.
Shey Crompton
Thursday 22nd and Shey Crompton was at Testing Peterborough, sharing the secrets of the start-up in his binary shirt.
Magpas winner, Ray Taylor receiving his shirt
Monday 26th we were at the Bradfield Centre again, it had been a few weeks since we'd been there, great to be back. This time we were supporting Annie Brooking at the launch of her book, Dream Ticket, it was also an opportunity to support MAGPAS the Air Ambulance charity, with a raffle for a FREE shirt.
Annie Brooking Dream Ticket
Pop-up shop
The next day it was our first ever pop-up shop, kindly hosted by Mills&Reeve Cambridge.

The last week in November was pretty full on with the Cambridge Science park Christmas Festival on Wednesday 28th for another pop-up shop.
Laura in DressCode shirt
The month finished on a high, when we received picture from Laura, a competition winner from an earlier event, wearing her shirt - yay!


Small business saturday
Our first ever Small Business Saturday! Great to get involved in this fantastic event.
2 faces of clothes
The start of December also saw us start sharing our experience with enclothed cognition, helping people understand this process that we're all affected by whether we're conscious of it, or not.
TV on? In readiness for the forthcoming TV-a-thon that is Christmas, we settled onto the big red sofa rather nicely again with Dan talking tech news.
Velvet feature
Whilst we love tech, we also love print, on the 3rd we were featured in Velvet magazine, a local lifestyle publication. Thrilled to be included in this classy production.
December 4th saw an order from Australia! We were ecstatic to have customers who were literally at the other side of the world!
The next day we had a photocall for Cambridge Independent - time to merchandise the products in the studio and make sure everything was tidy (for a change).
Pantone colour of 2019
On the 6th we discovered that Pantone had announced their colour of the year for 2019 and it was Living Coral. A colour remarkably like our pixel shirt!
Jon Torrens OST event
Pixel continued to be front and centre this month with Jon Torrens at OST - Our Social Times - talking presentation skills with his waistcoat combo - very smart.
David Williams in his glitch shirt
As we headed into the second week of December the party season was really getting going and Glitch was doing the rounds.
Cambridge Independent feature
We made the press again on the 12th, this time Cambridge Independent who featured an article about DressCode.
Jason Bradbury shirt boxes
Yesterday, December 13th Jason Bradbury (Gadget Show etc) shared an early Christmas present, something that he'd been saving for while and was now ready for some serious unboxtherapy.
Wow! Looking back there's been a lot going on, going forward we're looking forward to doing much more - more designs, more events and meeting more great people who love their tech and want to express themselves with style.
P.S - We'll keep updating this blog as time moves on.