New in Cambridge...that's us, right now!

We are thrilled to have been included in this blog. As a new business it's great when other people recognise what you're doing, the hard work that's going on behind the scenes and continues to be delivered now that we are live. It's hard to believe but DressCode was little more than a concept at this time last year, lots of sketches and notes with a big vision for where we wanted to be. Fast forward a year and we're here, live with products on this website.

We're already working on a complimentary range for the shirts...full details to follow in a few days time. And we're looking to the future, 2019 and some ladies shirts/blouses and other garments. There really is a lot going on at the moment.

If you'd like to know m ore about how we got here, what has inspired us, then check out

A BIG thank you to Rosemary for taking the time to interview Andy and crafting this lovely blog post.