Live I.T Love I.T
As I write this post, it's nearly a full 24 hours since we opened the doors and wow! what a day it's been. Absolutely unforgettable. Whether you were or weren't able to make it last night, here's a few of my personal highlights.
You’ve been framed
I think that the adrenalin had kicked in, great fun to being had with a selfie frame.
Feeling the pressure
Ann Hawkins did a wonderful job compering the event. She said I’d be wishing for the ground to swallow me up, and here’s photographic proof – not the best look ever!
Delivering the goods
We’ve got there, after nearly 18 months of development, we’re here and we’re ‘live’ with products. This is literally just the beginning, I always said that we needed to get ‘proof of concept’, well I think that we have that now and onwards towards our next goal – Women’s shirts.
Tech for good
Dan Sodergren’s talk about the ways global health is being improved through the smart use of data was insightful and scary at times, we have a fantastic opportunity to do some ‘great stuff’ at the moment. This cross roads that we are currently at is a real game changing moment. Download Dan's slides here.
Player 2 – Jon Torrens
Speaking of games and gamification I loved hearing how Jon has gamified his life tasks, the things that he doesn’t want to do, but knows he should do. I’m never going to look at runners in the same light again, what you see on the street or in the park bears little resemblance to the experience that they are having through their gamified exercise regime.
What were your takeaways?
And I’m not just talking about the pizza here. I hope the talks inspired you, maybe even teased you a little into thinking what if I tried a bit of that? I’ll be honest, there’s a big part of that in DressCode. Taking the new route, trying something different, something fun and developing it. Loving I.T and Living I.T.
We are now officially open for business. Thanks again to everyone who came along, everyone who supported us behind the scenes and the speakers Dan Sodergren and Jon Torrens, the evening was expertly compared by Ann Hawkins. Thanks for a memorable night, we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did.